
Remembering Kristen Diane Hofheimer

Our very own warrior princess, Kristen Hofheimer, passed away Friday, January 18th, 2019, after a long struggle with breast cancer. If you knew Kristen, consider yourself lucky. She was a truly exceptional human being, and a fantastic family law attorney – one of the best in the state of Virginia, particularly when it came to...

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My juvenile court case got appealed! What now?

The downside of the juvenile court is definitely the appeals situation. Well, that’s the downside if you won in the juvenile court, anyway. If you lost at the juvenile court level, well, then, it’s absolutely your right to appeal! (Funny how there are two sides to every coin, right?) But, today, I’m really talking about...

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Well, first off, let me say: I’m writing this because, like you, I have trial tomorrow. (Well, at least, as of the day I actually wrote this, anyway.) When I first started here (which was over seven years ago now), I asked one of the most senior attorneys when you stopped getting nervous before court...

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Successful Coparenting

Working together with your child’s father isn’t easy, especially after you’ve decided that your future plans really don’t include each other. Breakups and divorces happen all the time, but, ultimately, the impact that these things have on your children is up to you. You know, or at least you probably already suspect, that your future...

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Will the judge agree with my Guardian ad litem?

Guardians ad litem are great. Guardians ad litem are terrible. There’s almost no middle ground, and certainly won’t be for you if you’re in the middle of a custody case. Most of all, guardians ad litem are terrifying, because they get involved in your case and, ultimately, make a recommendation about what, in their opinion,...

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Virginia Relocation Cases

Virginia relocation cases are always among the hardest. Though I understand why they come up so frequently (especially in an area that has such a high concentration of military families), I can also understand why the courts are so hesitant to allow one parent to relocate with the child. Like most other things, there are...

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My Guardian ad litem is SO biased!

Working with a Guardian ad litem (an attorney appointed to represent the interests of the child to the court in a custody and visitation case) isn’t easy, to put it mildly. And, if you’re one of the many, many, many women I’ve worked with or talked to over the years who hates your Guardian ad...

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In our area, dealing with the military is, for better or for worse, just a part of daily life. We’re pretty attuned to the specific issues that the military faces, and, for many of us, whether we’re current or former military service members or spouses, there are a lot of family law issues that are...

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