
Can I handle my Virginia family law case myself?

Under Virginia law, you are free to elect to handle your own family law case in the Virginia courts. Depending on the complexity of your case and the issues involved, though, it may be more or less possible to do so. Family law cases cover several varieties – juvenile court cases (custody, visitation, child support,...

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No way around it, dividing up parenting time with your child’s father is a scary task. For most moms, the thought that you won’t be able to be with your child any time you like is overwhelming. It’s especially overwhelming since July 1, since new legislation came down. I wrote a post awhile back updating...

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What if my child is subpoenaed in a custody case

Custody cases are about as common as…well, something that’s very common. We see them literally all the time, and they can come about in a bunch of different ways. Obviously, you don’t have to be married to have a custody case; you just have to share a child in common with your former partner. So,...

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Can I expedite my spousal support hearing?

Strategically, in a divorce, there are a lot of different decisions that you can make, depending on a number of factors. Since money is often the biggest issue in divorce (second only to custody, if there are minor children involved), spousal support can take center stage fairly early on, especially if your husband has cut...

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To cut to the chase and state the obvious as simply as possible: if there’s no custody order in place (as in, you and your child’s father have never (1) been to court to let a judge determine custody, and (2) you’ve never signed an agreement related to custody and visitation), both you and your...

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Girl’s Night Out at Amplitude Karaoke 2018

If you’re local, you should definitely plan to join us for our October Girl’s Night Out event at Amplitude Karaoke in Virginia Beach’s Town Center! It’s our third year sponsoring a karaoke style event and, I won’t lie, I was not at all crazy about the idea at first. I was sort of strong armed...

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In family law cases, it seems to happen fairly often that, in litigated cases, you come before the same judge several times. Most courts, of course, do this on purpose – in order to minimize the amount of time needed at each hearing that the judge needs to familiarize himself with the facts of the...

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I met with a woman the other day who had a separation agreement – prepared by her mediator – that she wanted me to review. She had gone to mediation with her husband, and then they had modified the agreement. She wanted me to tell her whether it was a fair offer for her. It...

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