What’s the worst they could say about me in my child custody case?

In all too many child custody cases, the allegations made by the other side are complete and total lies.  Or, maybe they’re not COMPLETE lies, but they’re based on one tiny little nugget of information that is conflated to mean something that it doesn’t. What’s the worst thing they could say about you?  You definitely...

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Dealing with in laws after divorce

  Like entirely too many things in life, there’s no rule book for how to handle certain things after divorce. Before I go too far, allow me to say one thing. Actually, I’m going to give it a header tag, so that it’s bigger than the rest of the text, and so that it really...

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Custody cases are some of the hardest.  Even in cases that – to me, at least – seem more or less routine, there’s still the fact that parents who otherwise would have had (and probably did have, up until recently) complete autonomy over how their children were going to be raised are going to suddenly...

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Alcoholism in Divorce and Custody Cases

Alcoholism is a widespread issue in the United States, and it’s no small wonder that we see it pretty often in divorce and custody cases. Whether it’s your alleged alcoholism, or whether you’re worrying about your husband’s consumption of alcoholic beverages (and, of course, whether it’s a divorce or a custody case we’re talking about),...

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