Child Support for Unborn Babies in Virginia

Child Support for Unborn Babies in Virginia

The expenses related to a child don’t start accruing once the baby has been born; no, as you are no doubt already aware, they start piling up from the moment you find out that you’re expecting. If you and your child’s father are heading towards a separation or divorce, or you aren’t together and are...

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Not all Narcissists Make Divorce Awful

I know, I know.  If you’re married to a narcissist – whether diagnosed or undiagnosed – you KNOW how miserable they can make life.  And, if left to their own devices, they’d probably love to make divorce difficult, too. After all, if there’s one thing a narcissist (or a high conflict person or an abusive...

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Coparenting Issues: Disparaging Comments

  One very common provision in custody agreements (or separation agreements, if your custody case is part of a larger divorce action) is that neither party will make disparaging comments about the child’s other parent in the presence or hearing of the child. Sounds easy, right?   Don’t talk badly about each other.  Full stop. It’s...

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We talked the other day about being an unmarried stay at home mom, what happens after you and your child’s father break up, and what options you have to support yourself. Without spousal support as an option, you’re pretty much limited to child support – which is a difficult position in which to find yourself....

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