Does Virginia recognize common law marriage?

Does Virginia recognize common law marriage?

I used to get lots of questions about common law marriage.  Lately, well, not so much – until the other day.  A woman asked me what, in my opinion, was a very perceptive question about whether marriage is designed to be a safeguard to protect spouses (and, in particular, lesser earning spouses). Most of the...

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There are very few things quite as discomfiting in a custody case as having the Guardian ad litem interview your child – especially when you’re not around.  One of the most common ways the Guardians ad litem interview children is by showing up at school. If you’ve never been through this and you’re worrying about...

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  One of the biggest risk factors for women in divorce is the fact that, statistically speaking, they are the lesser wage earners.  This means that, in many cases, many of the most valuable assets are largely controlled by the husband – including, but not limited to, any real estate, retirement accounts, bank accounts, and...

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  One of the unique things about Virginia when it comes to divorce is that we still allow fault based grounds for divorce!  Over the years, many states have modernized to the point that they only allow no fault grounds, but we’re one of the few holdouts.  We still allow adultery (as well as sodomy...

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In July of 2024, the Virginia Beach Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court quietly issued an order stating that parents whose children are involved in a custody and visitation case would no longer be entitled to receive copies of the Guardian ad litem reports issued in their cases. Full disclosure: As practicing family law attorneys,...

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Child Support for Unborn Babies in Virginia

The expenses related to a child don’t start accruing once the baby has been born; no, as you are no doubt already aware, they start piling up from the moment you find out that you’re expecting. If you and your child’s father are heading towards a separation or divorce, or you aren’t together and are...

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