Should we try marriage counseling?

Should we try marriage counseling?

Lots of couples talk to a marriage counselor as an attempt to repair their marriage. In fact, in my years of experience, I have never met a single person who didn’t tell me how hard they tried to fix their marriage before they wound up in my office. Is it possible to save your marriage,...

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It happens sometimes that an attorney and a client don’t seem to be able to see eye to eye. Obviously it’s not a best case scenario for anyone involved, but it certainly has happened before. When things go wrong with your attorney, what should you do? It’s a pretty stressful situation, of course, especially because...

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Divorce Selfies

Everyone takes selfies these days. As camera phones have improved and social networks are quickly and easily connected to our mobile devices, it has become easier and easier to post and share and like pictures that we share, or that are shared by our friends, almost in real time. Almost as far back as I...

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Can I get divorced alone?

Though most divorces have some similarities, there are a lot of things that can be different, too. There is no such thing as a “run of the mill” or “typical” divorce, so I’m always a little hesitant to answer questions without knowing more about each individual person and their backstory. I had a woman ask...

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What to expect in a Virginia military divorce

On Monday, we talked about the differences between military and civilian divorce. So far, we’ve mostly discussed the ways that military and civilian divorces are similar. (Shocking, right?) Well, as you already know, military and civilian divorce are a little bit different. Procedurally, they’re very similar, but there are certain assets that exist in military...

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Taxes in Divorce

I’m not a tax attorney. In fact, if I’m being 100% honest, I really don’t know all that much about tax law, except that it is complex and constantly changing. As a family law attorney, though, sometimes tax related issues come up in my practice. Though I don’t pretend to understand everything about tax law...

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We were contacted a little while back by Tami Kamin Meyer, an attorney and writer. She said she had a couple of questions for us, generally, just about what we do—but with an emphasis on our Second Saturday and Custody Bootcamp seminars, and our Girl’s Night Out program. It’s always so humbling when someone takes...

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Lawyers Suck: But can you divorce without one?

I know, I know. Everyone hates lawyers. Almost wherever I go, I get a bad lawyer joke. Well, that is, I get bad lawyer jokes. It doesn’t hurt my feelings. Obviously, by this point in my career, I’m pretty used to it. Besides, deep down, I know no one means it. I know that what...

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