Is 50/50 child custody best for children?

Is 50/50 child custody best for children?

From the beginning, let me be clear: in Virginia, there is no law requiring that custody start out at 50/50.  Though that is the law in some states, that is not the law here.  Here, the law is that the judge has to consider all forms of custody – primary, shared, and split physical custody...

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One of the most difficult parts of child custody litigation is that it can be virtually never ending.  Since custody, visitation, and child support are modifiable based on a material change in circumstances, you can – theoretically, at least – find yourself in court again and again, at least until you children turn 18 and...

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Not everyone can afford to hire an attorney but, when it comes to a divorce or custody case, almost everyone needs at least some legal advice. There are very few options when it comes to complete and total pro bono representation, too, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t opportunities to get your questions asked...

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Virginia Custody Agreements

The whole point of a legal contract – any contract – is to establish specific terms governing a certain situation.  When we’re talking about divorce, we use a separation agreement.  When it comes to custody and visitation, we’re either talking about an initial determination or a modification, but the same goal exists: to agree, rather...

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Common Custody Issues: His Parenting Time

  It’s hard to transition from having custody of your child full time to sharing custody, no matter what specific allocation of time your child’s father gets.  Sharing holidays is a challenge, especially when you consider that it means that there will be major holidays that you’ll spend alone.  Any deviation from the standard schedule...

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The problem with dads

As you already know, if you’ve found me and the Hofheimer Family Law website itself, I represent women only in family law cases in Virginia. I don’t – nor have I ever – represented husbands or dads, though I have a husband and a dad and I know that they are not all terrible. At...

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Moms are just better equipped to raise children.

  When it comes to raising children, we all have a million different ideas about how it should be done – and, the thing is, they can vary pretty dramatically from one person to the next, or from one family to the next. As a mother myself – and a family law lawyer dedicated to...

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What to Expect at a Virginia Custody Seminar

Custody cases are scary, and, whether you’ve hired an attorney or are hoping to handle your case yourself, you probably have a lot of questions about what to expect.  Obviously, you’ve also heard that there’s a seminar for Virginia moms facing custody cases, so now you’re probably wondering whether a Virginia custody seminar is going...

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