There are a few issues that seem to pop up again and again and, if you’ve been in family law as long as I have, you’re bound to see it. If you’re going through a divorce or custody case, you may very well come across it, too – which is why I write today. It...
Common Custody Issues: Birthday Parties
There are a million different issues that come up in coparenting. One of them – or, at least, one of the ones I hear about the most often – is gatekeeping. As a mom myself, I can completely relate. All of the information coming at you about the kids at all times can feel insane. ...
In terms of vocabulary, there are all sorts of things that we say when it comes to custody and visitation that may seem new to you. I’ve written extensively on legal and physical custody, the different types (primary, shared, and split), coparenting, parenting education seminars, and many other topics related to custody and visitation that...
Communication is tough for separated parents. Even in the best situations, it isn’t easy, and there’s a fair bit of tension. Discussing even mundane things – like appointments for check ups, prescriptions, school events or pictures – can easily become escalated, and can cause communication to break down even further. There’s often the assumption that...
Sharing custody is hard. When you and your child’s father decide not to stay together, you’ll have to make a commitment, at least to some extent, to sharing the responsibilities related to custody between the two of you. Things that you may not have given a thought to before – like picking up the kids...