Preparing to Coparent with Your Child’s Father

Preparing to Coparent with Your Child’s Father

  There are all sorts of issues to work through when you’re navigating a new coparenting relationship – and not all of them are your issues specifically.  If you have tiny humans depending on you, you’re going to have to help them navigate their new normal, all while it’s completely foreign to you, too.  Not...

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Coparenting Issues: Spanking

  Question: I admit – I sometimes ‘bop’ my children on the bottom when they aren’t listening.  My child’s father, who has been largely uninvolved, has told my children that this is child abuse, and says he will call CPS if he hears that it ever happens again.  Because of this, my children are being...

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Can I draft my own custody agreement?

If you don’t want to have a trial in your court case, you have to settle your case first.  In a divorce or custody context, settlement is achieved when there is a signed agreement negotiated between the parties.  In a divorce case, you would sign and negotiate a separation agreement – a legal contract that...

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It is incredibly difficult to go through a separation and/or divorce (or even a breakup, if you and your child’s father never married) when you have children in common.  Going from ‘you’ time and ‘me’ time to ‘your’ time and ‘our’ time is a huge change. There’s not enough said about navigating those complicated and...

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Relocation is often a big issue in divorce and custody cases.  It’s not limited to moms or even dads; it happens pretty frequently that, wherever you happened to reside when the marriage began to fall apart at the seams, one (or both) of you would prefer to live somewhere else.  Especially when your marriage is...

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Family law – which includes divorce, child custody, visitation, child support, and spousal support – is a particular area of law that is incredibly state-specific.  What you find to be true in one state is not necessarily true in another.  Even states that are nearby – like, for example, North Carolina and Virginia – are...

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  As much as I’ve written about child support over the years, I think there are still a lot of things that people don’t understand about how it works. Custodial arrangements – or parenting plans – vary dramatically these days, and though it’s true to say that more parents share custody than have primary physical...

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What kind of parenting plan do judges like?

There’s a lot of mystery surrounding our local area judges, and that’s probably especially true in the juvenile court. In case you’re not yet all that familiar with the Virginia court system, most custody cases start in juvenile court – unless they’re part of a larger divorce action (in which case they’d be filed in...

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