“Super Dad” is a special kind of phenomenon that is unique to custody and visitation cases. In most families, while mom and dad are together, it’s the mom who bears the brunt of the parenting responsibility. It’s normally mom who drives the carpools, attends the parent teacher conferences, schedules all the doctors appointments, never forgets...
Super Dad: A Virginia Custody Phenomenon
In our area, dealing with the military is, for better or for worse, just a part of daily life. We’re pretty attuned to the specific issues that the military faces, and, for many of us, whether we’re current or former military service members or spouses, there are a lot of family law issues that are...
There’s nothing worse than seeing your kids sick. Unless it’s having sick kids and knowing that, under the current custody and visitation order/agreement, they’ve got to go to their dad’s. Whatever your feelings about or your relationship with your child’s father, having your children away from you while they’re sick is not at all ideal....
Full Disclosure: Our firm represents women exclusively in divorce and custody cases. If you’re looking for something written by activists for Father’s rights, you’re in the wrong place. Custody cases are complicated and constantly changing, which probably explains why there is so much misunderstanding out there. I meet with one woman who tells me she...
At some point, after you and your child’s father call it quits, you’ll live in separate homes. In some ways, that makes custody of the child you share more difficult. In other ways, though, it lightens the burdens on you both. If you and your child’s father have just recently made the decision to separate,...