If things aren’t working out between you and your child’s father and you’ve got a newborn in the house, you’re not alone. But you’re probably feeling pretty alone, and overwhelmed, and, if you’re like every other mom in that dreaded 4th trimester, more than a little hormonal. Besides that, you’re exhausted, and that just doesn’t...
Divorce with a Newborn Baby
Our fourth annual Girl’s Night Out event at the Ocean View Pier was fabulous! There’s a reason we keep doing events there – you keep coming, and they keep being awesome! We’ve always had amazing weather, for one thing. (Knock on wood.) But the food and the drinks are also great, and where else can...
Divorce isn’t easy. And, if you’ve never been divorced before (or even if you have), there’s probably a lot you don’t know. That’s not your fault. There’s a lot to know, and the law is constantly changing. Besides that, it’s very state specific, so even what you know from your friend’s divorces doesn’t necessarily translate...
If you’re thinking about hiring an attorney, you’ve probably, at some point, wondered who you would hire. If you’re here, I’m assuming that you’re at least considering our firm, so I wanted to make sure that I wrote a brief article telling you all about the attorneys we have practicing with us. That way, when...