August Girl’s Night Out

Posted on Jul 11, 2018 by Katie Carter

Our fourth annual Girl’s Night Out event at the Ocean View Pier was fabulous! There’s a reason we keep doing events there – you keep coming, and they keep being awesome! We’ve always had amazing weather, for one thing. (Knock on wood.) But the food and the drinks are also great, and where else can you go with such breathtaking panoramic views of the Chesapeake Bay? (Besides when you’re sitting in tunnel traffic, and then it’s generally frowned upon to drink orange crushes, which really dilutes the ambiance of it all.)

Well, it’s still summer – for a little while longer anyway – and we’re not ready to pack it all in yet, so we planned our next event to take advantage of the beautiful Virginia summer weather, too.

For our next event, which will be Wednesday, August 8, 2018, we’ll be at Oyster Alley in Downtown Hampton. It’s in the bottom floor of the Crowne Plaza hotel there right in the harbor. We’ve rented out the whole restaurant (a first for us, but our groups are just getting so big!) so no matter the weather (or the temperature – humidity is the boss, sometimes) we’ll have somewhere comfortable to mix and mingle and be. (Whenever I write that line, and I do sometimes, I always think of Joe Fox on “You’ve Got Mail” – don’t you? It’s that scene where he compares his book stores to an Italian piazza, but also to a price club where you can buy bulk olive oil and Meg Ryan calls him out on it in a TV interview.)

I hope you’ll join us! We’ve planned for some delicious appetizers, and, of course, have made arrangements to provide a drink ticket to each attendee as well – all on us! After all, it’s the least we can do to say thank you for your support!

Whether you’re a current or former client, you’re considering us as a law firm, or you just want to have a free drink and some food with some pretty cool people (hey, attorneys can be cool, too!), you’re more than welcome, and we’d just love to have you.

If you’re trying to get information about a divorce or custody case you’ve got pending, good for you! After all, knowledge is power. Have you considered requesting a copy of our divorce, military divorce, or custody books? Each is chock full of tons of information you need to know, if you’re facing a family law case in Virginia.

Not only that, but we also teach really cool divorce and custody  seminars, each of which is taught live by one of our amazing Virginia licensed divorce and custody attorneys. It’s July, so you know what that means (well, maybe you don’t, but I’m here to tell you) – there have been updates to Virginia law! Every year, on July 1, new legislation is passed, and the laws update. It’s more important than ever to make sure you understand the direction, legislatively, that things are headed, and how your divorce or custody case may be impacted by the changes.

I get it. There are a lot of questions, and a lot of uncertainty. You’re in the right place, and you’re asking the right questions. And you’ll definitely be well served by coming to Girl’s Night Out, too! We try to keep legal issues out of it (the appropriate time to ask legal questions is in an initial consultation, or possibly at the seminars, provided that your questions are general and not case specific), but it’s a great opportunity to meet the attorneys and decide who you really jive with if you’re considering hiring an attorney to represent you. Having the right person on your side can be really advantageous, and knowing who you’re hiring (or even just scheduling an appointment with) can take a lot of the guesswork out of the equation.

For more information about Girl’s Night Out or to register to attend, visit our website or give our office a call at 757-425-5200.