Holiday Custody and Visitation

Holiday Custody and Visitation

At the root of most custody disputes is fear. The fear that you won’t be able to be the kind of parent you always wished you’d be. The fear that a court order, or a custody agreement, would prevent you from having the kind of relationship with and time with the child that you envisioned,...

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Managing Social Media During Your Divorce

We all have social media accounts. Or, at least, virtually all of us do. And, for many of us, it’s an integral part of every day life. For me, as a millennial, I barely remember a time before computers, and, even though I remember getting my Facebook account (back when Facebook was limited to students...

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Social Media and the Kids

In some families, it’s a constant tug-o-war where the kids are concerned. Almost every issue that it is possible to fight over can and, in some cases, will be fought over. I find that, more and more often, the children’s social media presence is one of those issues. One parent wants to share (or, overshare,...

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Pinterest Issues and Virginia Divorce

It seems like, at some point or another, I’ve run across an issue related to almost every social media platform. It’s a little frustrating, sometimes, because, at some point, a person made the decision to post, share, pin, or tweet something that they didn’t HAVE to post, share, pin, or tweet, and now it’s an...

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Ignoring Your Lawyer’s Advice

I get it. Lawyers tell you things sometimes that you just don’t want to hear. They give you advice and maybe, while you sat in your attorney’s office, you thought you were going to follow it. When you got home, though, other things confronted you, distracted you, and made it difficult for you to do...

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Google Home and Alexa in your Divorce

Technology does amazing things. I get it; I’m a millennial. I want all the techy things – the Apple Watches, the FitBits, the latest greatest Smartphone, and I even sort of want to be up to date on all the latest social media fads. (Though I can’t bring myself to call Instagram “Insta”, I’m not...

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Technology creates all sorts of new issues when it comes to divorce and custody cases, and it seems like almost every week I’m hearing about some new issue or other that my clients are facing. This week, it seems like most of what I’ve heard about relates to advances in technology, and, specifically, to smart...

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Issues with iCloud in Divorce

On Monday, we discussed issues that women face in divorce and custody cases as it relates to their social media accounts. Whether your social platform of choice is Facebook (if you’re old like me) or if you’re younger and hipper and are on Instagram or Snapchat, social media use is a big issue in family...

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