Avoiding Taxes With Spousal Support Awards

Avoiding Taxes With Spousal Support Awards

If you’re feeling like spousal support awards really aren’t all that generous, you’re not alone. Spousal support is one of those things that, in my practice, varies widely. The law governing spousal support is far from clear, too, so even determining whether someone will receive spousal support is difficult and often convoluted. We have to...

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I cheated on my husband. What do I do?

You cheated on your husband. The marriage has been breaking down for a long time and, in a moment of weakness, you gave in. It wasn’t your proudest moment. And now you’re a little scared. You know that, in Virginia, adultery is one of the fault based grounds for divorce. What should you do next?...

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Sheera Herrell wins at Court of Appeals!

Spousal support is probably one of the most complicated areas of divorce law. Spousal support can be established in two different ways—by agreement, or ordered by a judge. Still, it’s difficult, especially in cases where spousal support is established by agreement, because (obviously) you have to get your husband to agree. Not only that, but...

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A BIG Virginia Custody and Visitation Mistake

I talked to someone a couple weeks ago who had an interesting case, and I thought I’d write a little about it. Of course, I can’t divulge any confidential information, and, really, I don’t want to share anything with you other than the situation she found herself in—and the innocent way she almost made a...

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What if I make more money than my husband?

Breadwinner wives are becoming the norm more and more often, which is such a great thing to see. More and more women are working outside the home at high paying, powerhouse jobs; more women are executives, CPAs, lawyers, doctors, advisers, analysts, politicians and pretty much everything else than ever before. It’s inspiring to see women...

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How to get MORE Virginia spousal support

You’re definitely not alone if you’re wondering, “is it possible to manage to get more spousal support from my soon to be ex husband?” Whether you and your husband (or your attorneys) have already begun discussing spousal support or not, you’re probably going over all your expenses in your mind and wondering how to negotiate...

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Types of Virginia Spousal Support

Just like there’s more than one way to skin a cat (I’ve always hated that saying), there are about a million different ways that spousal support can be configured, especially if you and your husband are committed to negotiating an agreement, rather than going to court to litigate your divorce. Of course, as we’ve discussed...

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Can my husband make me get a job after divorce?

In divorce, everything changes, especially the finances. Going from two incomes (to maintain just one household) to one income (maintaining the same household) can be jarring, especially if children are involved. When you add to it the costs of moving (including first and last month’s rent, security deposits, down payments, whatever), replacing the things that...

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