Should my child be in therapy during my custody case?

OCTOBER 26, 2020 BY KATIE CARTER   Contested cases are hard on everyone involved. I work with women, so my perspective is often that of the wife and mother. I actually rarely see children. It’s really not appropriate; for me to do my job, I have to have conversations with my client that could be harmful for...

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Postpartum Depression and Divorce

Bringing a baby into the world is, simultaneously, one of the most wonderful and most terrifying things that can happen to a woman. Having done it twice now myself – both c-sections, the first one an emergency – I can attest to that, for sure. I don’t think I fully appreciated the changes that motherhood...

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Divorce from an Abuser

I actually got into family law as a result of two abusive relationships, so I understand the ways it can shape you, affect your thinking, and alter the future. The first was a run-of-the-mill abusive boyfriend. I didn’t think about his behavior in those terms at the time, of course; it actually took me several...

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  Sharing custody with an ex is difficult, even under the best circumstances. No matter what, it’s hard to face the idea of splitting your child’s time – especially holidays, vacations, and other special occasions – and knowing that means you’ll have less time, possibly by as much as half. Weekends, too – obviously, these...

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Do I need a therapist in my Virginia divorce?

On Monday, I talked about divorce coaches and how useful they can be in Virginia divorce. I talked a lot about the emotional issues that many women face during the divorce process, and how important it is to deal with those issues alongside the divorce related issues. I get it. What you’re going through (or...

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