Reunification in Virginia

Reunification in Virginia

Sometimes it seems like the types of cases we see come in waves. We don’t have many cases of a particular type or with a specific theme and then (bam!) all of a sudden we have five or six, and we’re all grappling with similar issues. Of course, especially in custody, no two cases are...

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Sharing custody is hard. When you and your child’s father decide not to stay together, you’ll have to make a commitment, at least to some extent, to sharing the responsibilities related to custody between the two of you. Things that you may not have given a thought to before – like picking up the kids...

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Will he take our child and run?

For most moms where a custody case is at stake, one of the biggest, most suffocating fears they have is the possibility that their child’s father will take the child and not return him. Whether he takes the child and runs or whether he just refuses to return him to mom, it doesn’t matter; the...

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Custody in separate homes

At some point, after you and your child’s father call it quits, you’ll live in separate homes. In some ways, that makes custody of the child you share more difficult. In other ways, though, it lightens the burdens on you both. If you and your child’s father have just recently made the decision to separate,...

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A lot of times, if you’re just filing for custody, visitation, child support, or spousal support, you’re going to start out at the juvenile court level. If you’re not currently pursuing divorce, but these issues are currently unresolved, the juvenile court is really the only forum you have available to you. There’s good news and...

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Is custody different without a divorce case?

A friend of mine (it’s funny how “friends” crawl out of the woodwork when they have a pending divorce or custody case) recently messaged me on Facebook to ask me about her current custody case. She and her child’s father were never married, and they had a very young baby together when they went their...

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I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later, but the other day I finally had a consultation where a woman yelled at me. I’ve been told that it happens, but I guess I never really thought it would happen to me. I can’t say I blame the woman; I didn’t have an awesome...

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It seems like we have a couple of cases like this lately. Dad wasn’t involved in the child’s life (and when I say wasn’t involved, I mean, like, he was completely and totally uninvolved) until, suddenly, he decided that he wanted to be. And not just that he wanted to see the child on occasion...

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