There are all sorts of different moms out there in the world and, as a mom, I know how important it is to feel recognized and appreciated for the decisions that you are trying to make to ensure that your children grow up to be the best, happiest, healthiest versions of themselves. Probably, when you’re...
I’m a holistic mom facing a custody case – what can I expect?
There are not many things scarier than finding yourself in an abusive situation – except, of course, if you have minor children who are surrounded by it, too. Once you decide that it’s not getting better and it’s time to do something about it, you probably started researching protective orders. In Virginia, there are...
Up until the court formally decides custody and visitation – or, alternatively, the parties enter into a signed custody agreement – there’s no formal child custody, visitation, or child support. For many couples, especially the ones that stay together (regardless of whether they’re married), that’s enough and it doesn’t go further than that. Even for...
The internet is a dangerous place. It’s a place where its difficult to tell an expert from a novice, and where each freely, generously, and emphatically give their own opinions. Sometimes, the two coexist side by side, and it can be hard to determine which is correct. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve...
In almost every case where child custody is a component – which can be either a petition or a modification of child custody, visitation, and/or child support at the juvenile court level, or a divorce where there are minor children involved – the mothers tell me that their main concern is their children. On some...
It’s intimidating to go to court. It’s intimidating to do anything, really, when the process and routines are unfamiliar to you, but it’s especially true when those processes result in splitting the assets and liabilities you’ve spent your adulthood accumulating, not to mention determining custody and visitation of your minor children. There’s a lot at...
One of the more annoying features of the law is that it changes. It changes with some frequency, and usually on July 1st of each year. The changes in the law that are implemented don’t always have to do with us, but sometimes they do – and then, of course, whatever I’ve written up...
My sister in law asked me a question the other day – for a friend of a friend – and it really irritated me. Not that she would ask me a question; that’s fine, we’re really pretty close. But the question itself irked me. Her friend had a friend, from a really long time ago,...