Can my husband’s lawyer look on my Facebook page to dig up evidence for our Virginia divorce case?
Posted on Jan 5, 2011 by Katie Carter
When you use Facebook and other social networking sites, your intention is to disclose your thoughts, feelings and life milestones to a caring audience of friends but in a Virginia divorce, your posts could be used in ways that are anything but friendly.
Your husband’s attorney can use your status updates, photos, notes and other parts of your Facebook page to glean information about you. This information can be interpreted in ways that paint you in a negative light and weaken your Virginia divorce case.
Lawyers look for things like false information, photos of you engaging in risky or irresponsible behavior, vulgar or threatening words about your ex or others and more.
Many people in the midst of a divorce have found themselves in trouble when less-than-savory information from their Facebook page was brought to light in court.
If you’re going through a Virginia divorce, it’s wise to put your Facebook on the most private setting and to delete old status updates frequently. Be wary of friend requests from people you don’t know but also realize that existing friends on your list might take your ex’s side in the divorce and act as spies.
When it comes down to it, the only way to avoid having your Facebook or other social networking page used against you is to be very careful of what you post or delete your profile(s) altogether. A good rule of thumb for using social networking during a divorce is to avoid posting anything to your page that you wouldn’t want published in the newspaper.
Contacting a Virginia Divorce Attorney
At this vulnerable time, it’s critical that you have exceptional legal representation that not only understands the specifics of your case, but is dedicated to your best interests and that of your family.
The Virginia divorce attorneys at Hofheimer Family Law Firm represent Virginia women who wish to file for divorce. We are committed to fighting for your rights, assisting in child custody disputes and advocating that you receive everything you are entitled to and need in order to start your new life. You can learn more by requesting one of our FREE divorce guides for women, or reserving your seat at our monthly divorce seminar – 757-231-9474.