Angela Shelton and her “Naked Singularity”

Posted on Feb 5, 2010 by Hofheimer Family Law

In a stunning opening to the 7th Annual Battered Women’s Custody Conference, author and movie producer Angela Shelton stunned the audience with her Naked Singularity. Knowing Angela, you may have thought she ran around with no clothes on but rather she was alluding to the scientific phenomenon Naked Singularity which she explained was when stars heading for a black hole inexplicably vary off course and avoid being consumed by the black hole.

Using Science as a backdrop to create the context of “Rebel Star Warriors”, Angela motivated and entertained the broad cross section of protective moms, involved women and some men who gathered in Albany, New York for the 7th Annual Battered Women’s Custody Conference: “Now that we know, What are we doing about it?”. Using every strategy at her command, from love and commitment to entrepreneurship, Angela cheered on those mothers who are committed to protecting their children from their alleged abuser. Angela’s naked singularity analogy was to assure battered moms that though they may appear to be headed for a black hole in Family Court, that with alignment of one’s purpose with one’s values, they will inexplicably vary from being consumed by the black hole of any family court Injustice .