Monthly Archive: February 2017

Virginia Divorce Attorney

Before you do anything new, you ask a lot of questions. Before you book a vacation to a new resort, you ask your travel agent. Before you open a new investment account, you talk to an account manager. Before you buy a house, you talk to a realtor. Before you enroll your child in a...

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It happens all the time. In fact, it happens every single day. Multiple times a day. A lady calls in, with just one, quick, simple family law question to ask about her divorce or custody case, expecting a quick and easy answer. We don’t really give legal advice that way, because to do so would...

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Domestic Violence and Divorce

Domestic violence and divorce go hand in hand in a lot of cases. At first, that was a surprise to me. I didn’t realize quite how dangerous so many women’s family situations were. Maybe that was naïve of me, but I really didn’t realize, until I got into the practice of law, how many women...

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Everybody loves a baby. In a lot of cases, there’s really nothing like a baby to bring a family together. Mom’s side, dad’s side—everybody can, sometimes, exist in perfect harmony, with everybody agreeing on one thing, at least: their love of that sweet, precious little baby. Extended family can be wonderful. Extended family can provide...

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I Hate Valentine’s Day!

For our third year running, we’re sponsoring a Girl’s Night Out event for Valentine’s Day! We actually call it our “Un-Valentine’s Day” party, because we don’t let it be all about hearts and cupids and candy but about sisterhood instead.   Do you hate Valentine’s Day?  Do you love it?  Either way, come celebrate Un-Valentine’s...

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One of the things that irks women the most in the Virginia divorce process is that they feel that they play by the rules while their husband makes his own rules. It’s frustrating, for sure—and, I can tell you, it’s frustrating to be the attorney on the other side of a husband who doesn’t follow...

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Admitting Adultery

Adultery is probably the most popular of the fault based grounds for divorce; at any rate, it’s certainly the one we see alleged most often. It’s also fairly complicated, because, if proven, there are possible criminal and civil ramifications.  What do you need to know before admitting adultery–or after your husband admits he has committed...

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Can someone sit in on my consultation with me?

Yesterday, I got a call from a very grouchy man. It’s not too often I have calls from men, since we represent women only, and we can’t schedule appointments for any men at all. This man, though, was angry because he was calling to pay for a consultation with one of our attorneys for his...

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