Monthly Archive: April 2018

Attorney Client Privilege and Virginia Divorce

As you’re probably already aware, when you tell your attorney secrets, they are generally protected by attorney client privilege. That means that the attorney can’t tell anyone what you’ve told them. Of course, ethically, there are a few exceptions – like, if you tell us you’re about to commit a crime, particularly if that crime...

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I hear the same objection all the time: “But my husband says he won’t sign an agreement unless I waive child support.” They’re upset.  They’re scared.  They don’t know what to do.  Most are loathe to accept any kind of financial assistance from their child’s father anyway, but they’re still not quite sure how they’ll...

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Statistically speaking, you will find love again. For many women in the midst of divorce and custody cases, there’s nothing further from their minds. For many others, though, love seems to find them – and follow them. Sometimes, even before their divorces are finalized. Some are determined to find love again, as quickly as possible....

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Joint Legal Child Custody

Joint Legal Child Custody Everybody fusses about physical custody, because that has to do with where a child spends the majority of her time. Physical custody is a big deal; in fact, it’s what we litigate on most of the time, because everybody wants some kind of specific amount of time with the child. When...

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There’s not a lot of things that feel scarier than divorce. It’s a big change, and it impacts all areas of your life. I think probably the scariest parts aren’t even what will happen to your retirement accounts or your house, but the ideological shift that takes place. Who are you, if you’re not your...

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For every highly contentious case I see, there are probably hundreds of other where the parents are able to work things out. There are likely a bunch of families where mom and dad split up, but they never see the inside of the courtroom. Professionally, I see some people like that. They come in for...

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Calculating Days in Virginia Child Custody

Child support is complicated. On the one hand, in many cases it isn’t an issue, because it’s based on a formula, and the formula is binding on our courts. On the other hand, it is an issue, because when you get into shared physical custody, for example, the level of support a paying parent would...

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Virginia Divorce… And I’m Pregnant

Congratulations! You’re expecting! Having been there not too long ago myself, I remember how amazing pregnancy is. (Trust me: when it’s over, you’ll remember it being amazing. You won’t remember the morning sickness, the breathlessness, the insomnia, or any of the other negative side effects of pregnancy.) Having a baby is so exciting! But…if you’re...

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