
What happens in Virginia divorce court?

It’s intimidating to go to court. It’s intimidating to do anything, really, when the process and routines are unfamiliar to you, but it’s especially true when those processes result in splitting the assets and liabilities you’ve spent your adulthood accumulating, not to mention determining custody and visitation of your minor children. There’s a lot at...

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Most people have a lot of questions about the divorce process – even if they understand the basics. After all, there’s a lot that is really fact specific, and it can be hard to apply a general principle to a specific situation. Even if you can sort of guess what the answer might be, you...

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  I’m always surprised at just how many people maintain separate bank accounts throughout the entirety of their marriage. Though I definitely understand the desire to keep things separate – and maybe to share expenses in a mutually owned household account – I do think that it often causes confusion about what is marital property...

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  The way I see it, it goes one of two ways. Some women cannot wait to get back out there and find Mr. Right – or even Mr. Right Now. Other women tell me, in no uncertain terms, that they will never – and I repeat EVER – date anyone ever again. In both...

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Lump Sum Awards of Virginia Spousal Support

In virtually every case I’ve seen, spousal support is a specific amount of money paid each month from the higher earning spouse to the lower earning spouse. In virtually every case I’ve seen, the higher earning spouse hates this. Like, really, really hates this. In virtually every case I’ve seen, he (it’s usually a he)...

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  On Wednesday, we talked about the dangers of talking to your children about your divorce or custody case. (Spoiler alert: Though it can be tempting, don’t do it!) One of the hardest things to handle, though, is when your child’s father is talking to your children in a way that you feel is inappropriate....

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  I think most parents know that they really shouldn’t be giving their children information about their ongoing divorce or custody case, especially if what they’re saying is (1) a lie, or (2) disparaging to the other parent. And, yet, it still happens. Like, every day. You’re human. He’s human. You’re under incredible amounts of...

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  When it comes to coparenting, there are a lot of issues that can come up. Of course, in some cases, there are a lot of issues that DON’T come up, because they’re already foregone conclusions that both parents take for granted. It seems like school enrollment is one of those issues that can find...

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