Coping with a Divorce after 50

Posted on Aug 4, 2010 by Hofheimer Family Law

A Virginia divorce at any stage of life is hard, but if you were with your ex-spouse for most of your life, it can be even more difficult. Many people stay together for their children, but once the children are out of the house, they decide to lead separate lives, resulting in a later life divorce. Fortunately, you can cope with getting divorced after 50.

Listed below are 3 helpful tips on how to cope with a later life divorce:

Tip #1Attend divorce counseling. Going through a divorce can lead to a rollercoaster of emotions. An experienced divorce counselor will help you work through your feelings and address any concerns you may have after your later life divorce.

Tip #2 Work on establishing your new identity. For many women, their identity in a marriage becomes “wife” and “mother.” After a later life divorce, you should sit back and reflect on the things you like and dislike. You are now in charge of how you live your life. This may include finding new hobbies or partaking in old ones.

Tip #3Make new friends. For some women, their husband is their only source of companionship. After a later life divorce, it is common for people to feel alone. However, by participating in hobbies that you enjoy, joining local groups or clubs, or volunteering, you can find new people to spend time with.

Going through a Virginia divorce later in life presents its own set of problems. To learn more about some of the unique challenges of a later life divorce in Virginia, visit our article library.

The Virginia divorce attorneys at Hofheimer Family Law Firm represent Virginia women who wish to file for divorce. We are committed to fighting for your rights and advocating that you receive everything you are entitled to and need in order to start your new life. You can learn more by requesting a FREE copy of our guide, What Every Virginia Woman Should Know About Divorce, or reserving your seat at our monthly divorce seminar – 757-425-5200.