
Prenuptial Agreements and Virginia Law

Let me just say this: prenuptial agreements aren’t all that common. And, if your soon to be husband has presented you with one, you have three options: 1. Sign it as is, and hope for the best. (Generally not recommended.) 2. Don’t sign it. Walk away, and hope he’ll marry you anyway—but with full knowledge...

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Sheera Herrell Taking Over as Managing Attorney and CEO of Hofheimer Family Law We’re both excited and incredibly sad to announce that big things are under way at Hofheimer Family Law. If you know us, you know that for the last 25 years (yes, 25!) we’ve been dedicated to representing women only in divorce, custody,...

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Annual GNO at Ocean View Fishing Pier

For the third year in a row, we’re going to be getting together at the Ocean View Fishing Pier for one of our super fun Girl’s Night Out events! It’s one of our most popular venues, because it’s totally gorgeous—we’ve rented out an area on the top deck with beautiful panoramic ocean views. It’s also...

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Unrelated Overnight Guests in Virginia Custody

Custody cases are some of the most complicated that we see. The court views a divorce case as predominantly a business transaction. Though you may get laughed at if you say that it’s about “fairness”, there is a fair amount of consideration that goes into the equity of a particular way of dissolving the marriage....

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Traveling with kids during Virginia divorce

Before there’s a specific custody agreement in place, everything is in flux—including custody and visitation. In fact, before this, you probably never thought of things like parenting time, custody, or visitation, you just did what you had to do to make sure the kids were adequately taken care of. Well, now, everything has changed, and...

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Spousal Support and Social Security

People get divorced at all of life’s stages. Just because a couple has been married for 30, 40, or even 50 years doesn’t mean that they’ll stay together until death do them part. We see lots and lots of really, really long term marriages dissolved for all sorts of different reasons. In a lot of...

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Girl’s Night Out at LunaSea Virginia Beach!

It’s FINALLY warming up! Even though I love, love, love living at the beach, there’s no question that the water keeps us a little bit cooler for longer when most of us are ready to get our summer vacations on already. Even though you can go to the beach some days (and, in fact, this...

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Student Loans and Divorce

Student loans are a reality of the world these days and, if you’ve got them, you’re definitely not alone. (In fact, you’re preaching to the choir.) In fact, these days, more people have student loans than don’t have them, and the average amount of debt each person carries is greater than ever before. It’s pretty...

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