
What happens AFTER I file for divorce?

Even though we’ve all heard tons of horror stories about divorce, I find that a lot of people don’t really have any actual idea about what’s involved in a divorce. All too often these days, most of what we “know” (or think we know) comes from TV rather than from actual experience. If you’re facing...

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They say a woman becomes a mother the moment she finds out she’s pregnant, and I think that’s so true. If you’re a mom, you’ve made a lot of sacrifices for the sake of your kids—and you’ve been making them since day 1. You’ve worked hard to provide your child with a beautiful childhood, and...

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It wasn’t easy, but you’ve done it. Even though you doubted for awhile that it even could be done, that it was even within the realm of possible scenarios, you and your husband finally signed a separation agreement. There’s nothing left un-done; all of your assets and liabilities were handled and divided between the two...

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I read an article the other day about parenting children through divorce and it cautioned parents to not beat themselves up over all the pain and suffering that their children would experience throughout their lifetimes. Though, as moms, we all tend to feel like it’s our job to protect our children from all the various...

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Whether you or your child’s father originally filed custody petitions, it’s a pretty scary process. If he has an attorney and you don’t, it’s probably especially scary. Though there’s no rule that says you have to have an attorney in any divorce or custody cases in Virginia, navigating the system on your own can be...

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Homelessness and Virginia Child Custody

When things don’t work out between you and your child’s father, it often leads to a tumultuous transitional period. Whether you were married or not, separating often means finding a new place to live. Depending on your socioeconomic and employment status, finding somewhere new may be a more difficult proposition for you than for others...

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Week On/Week Off Custody

When it comes to custody and visitation of minor children in Virginia, not very many things are set in stone, especially if the parents are able to reach an agreement about how they plan to work together to co parent their children. There aren’t a lot of hard and fast rules when it comes to...

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Alcoholism in Divorce and Custody Cases

Alcoholism is a widespread issue in the United States, and it’s no small wonder that we see it pretty often in divorce and custody cases. Whether it’s your alleged alcoholism, or whether you’re worrying about your husband’s consumption of alcoholic beverages (and, of course, whether it’s a divorce or a custody case we’re talking about),...

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