
Divorce during the holidays: part two

On Monday, we talked about how hard it is to think about divorce during the holidays, and we began to answer some of the more common frequently asked questions we get. We talked about when it was time to leave, if you could make him leave, and whether he’d be responsible for paying for your...

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Divorce during the holidays

It’s not easy to think about divorce at any time during the year, but it’s especially difficult during the holiday season. The urge to be one big happy family, at least for the kid’s sake, is stronger than ever. It feels selfish to admit out loud, or even just to yourself, that things just aren’t...

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Sheera Herrell wins at Court of Appeals!

Spousal support is probably one of the most complicated areas of divorce law. Spousal support can be established in two different ways—by agreement, or ordered by a judge. Still, it’s difficult, especially in cases where spousal support is established by agreement, because (obviously) you have to get your husband to agree. Not only that, but...

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Do I need to go to your divorce seminar?

For more than twenty five years, my law firm, Hofheimer Family Law, has been offering divorce seminars for women in the Hampton Roads area. Today, we teach three seminars a month, one in Virginia Beach and one in Newport News on the Second Saturday of each month, and one in Virginia Beach on the Third...

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How do I know if my divorce will go to court?

I spend a lot of time talking about how to get the best divorce. Most of the time, I have to say that the way to get the best divorce is to negotiate a signed separation agreement. There are a lot of reasons why you might like to do things this way. For one thing,...

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Child Support and Deployment

Most of the time, child support is easy peasy. It’s based on a formula, so, basically, we just fill in the blanks and the number pops up. Of course, if yours is a shared custody situation, it can be a little more complicated than in a traditional primary physical custody type situation. How so? Well,...

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Avvo Client’s Choice Award

Every so often, we like to toot our own horn. When one of our own is recognized for something exceptional, I like to talk about it. When Kristen Hofheimer got the Avvo Client’s Choice award, I knew it was something worth talking about. Everyone knows Avvo these days from their witty (?) television commercials, depicting all...

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A BIG Virginia Custody and Visitation Mistake

I talked to someone a couple weeks ago who had an interesting case, and I thought I’d write a little about it. Of course, I can’t divulge any confidential information, and, really, I don’t want to share anything with you other than the situation she found herself in—and the innocent way she almost made a...

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