
Whether you and your husband are currently getting along, you need to consider the possibility that, at one point or another, you’re going to disagree. If you have children together, chances that you will disagree increase exponentially. When I talk to women, they generally recognize this, and admit that they foresee some problems, especially with...

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Financially, custody cases can be complicated. In most cases, custody cases come about as part of a divorce or breakup because, after all, when two people are happily together, things like support, custody, and visitation rarely come into play. It’s when people decide to break up, whether they’re ending a marriage or a relationship, that...

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Fault Grounds in Virginia: Part Two

On Monday, we talked about the fault based grounds for divorce in Virginia, but that’s not all you need to know about fault based divorces.  There are lots of different reasons to file on fault, which we’ll discuss here, but there are also other things you need to know, too.  How do you file?  What...

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How can I meet my attorney before I hire?

We get calls all the time with people asking for information about each of our attorneys so they can decide who to meet with for their initial consultation. In most cases, they’ve already done a Google search to look at their online bios, their Avvo pages, and anything else they can dig up on the...

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Even though attorneys tend to talk about all the different ways to get divorced (negotiation, collaboration, litigation, and so on), it’s really a bit misleading. Though there are different methods that you can choose to apply in your specific case, there are really only two ways to get divorced: in court, or by drafting and...

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