
Where to Cut Costs in Your Virginia Divorce

It’s hard to know where to cut costs in your divorce. It seems like, when it comes to legal fees, there are lots of places where you can cut costs. But, like we discussed on Wednesday, the things that most people tend to think are the most important when it comes to making a decision...

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Fault grounds in Virginia

Before you file for divorce in Virginia, you have a lot of decisions to make.  Some of those decisions are made for you.  If, for example, your husband refuses to sign any separation agreement ever, or you separated and now he refuses to pay any support at all, he can force your hand for you. ...

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If you don’t already have plans, you should join us next week for our Girl’s Night Out event.  We’ll be in Newport News this time (because one of our attorneys, Shannon Lemm, practices there, and we’ve got to show the Peninsula girls some love, too) at the Brewhouse Tavern in trendy Port Warwick.  We were...

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Depending on the law firm and attorney you hire, there may be several people involved in your case.  In addition to you and your attorney, you’ll probably also have a paralegal and a secretary working on your case, too.  In some cases, you may also have an associate attorney or an intern working on your...

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You’re not ready to hire an attorney yet, but that doesn’t mean that you’re not open to getting more information.  You’re ready to take the next step, but what does that even mean?  Everyone seems to be pushing you towards scheduling a consultation, but you’re feeling like things are just moving a little too quickly....

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Cheap Divorce and Custody Resources

I know, I know.  You’ve got an upcoming divorce or custody case (or, at least, you’re currently worried about the possibility of your upcoming divorce or custody case), and you’re not sure what you want to do.  You’re looking into all your options—hiring an attorney, representing yourself, seeing a mediator—but you’re just not sure yet...

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Annulment in Virginia

We’ve heard it all.  Women everywhere are full of reasons why they think they qualify to get an annulment.  Whether it’s merely that they were only married a short time, that the marriage was never consummated, or that they married too quickly, there seem to be tons of reasons that women think they can get...

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