
If you’re looking into hiring a family law attorney, chances are you’re going through (or getting ready to go through) a divorce or a custody case.  Depending on the type of case you’re facing, though, divorce and custody cases can take all types of shapes. Divorce cases can be simply that: divorce cases.  Whether there...

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Getting Support Quickly in your Custody Case

It’s happening, and you know it.  There’s not a whole lot you can do about it, but you’re no fool: you know that things between you and your child’s father really aren’t working out, and you’re probably close to calling it quits.  Whether this was your decision or his (or a mutual one), if your...

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On Monday, we talked a lot about custody cases.  Specifically, we talked about what’s at stake in a custody case.  Of course, you already know, in a general way, what’s at stake: it’s your child’s future.  But, if you haven’t studied Virginia law and don’t know how it treats child custody cases, you’ll probably want...

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If you’re like most moms, the idea of a custody case is paralyzing.  You want to provide everything possible to your kids, and you’re willing to fight for what’s best for them—but your pockets aren’t but so deep.  You know it costs money to fight these things out in court, and you’re worried about the...

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It’s scary to know that you’re heading towards a custody case.  It’s especially scary to know that there’s very little you can do about it.  No matter how you feel about it, wheels are in motion, and it’s all out of your power.  When something like that threatens the well being and safety of your...

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On Monday, we talked about how to save money in your custody case, and covered how attorneys bill.  If you missed it, don’t worry—you can check it out here. Obviously, you want to keep your children safe, and give them the kind of childhood you always wanted to provide.  Custody, visitation, and child support matter,...

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How to Save Money on Your Custody Case

You’re worried about the safety and well-being of your children, and you’re willing to do anything possible to help give them the childhood they deserve.  Still, your pockets aren’t bottomless.  You can’t afford to litigate over custody until every last cent is gone, and what good would that do, anyway?  Without some money left, you...

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The holidays are in full swing!  Now that it’s Black Friday, it seems like the inevitable rush towards Christmas is beginning.  Not until January will you be able to pull up to any shopping center anywhere and find an easily accessible parking spot and, when you leave after having completed your errands, cars will follow...

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