
Same Sex Marriage in Virginia

You would have to be living under a rock to have not heard anything about the Supreme Court recently.  But, just in case you do actually live under a rock, I’ll give you a quick recap.  On October 6th, the Supreme Court denied the opportunity to review seven different federal circuit court rulings that held...

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Breastfeeding in Virginia

It seems like, lately, breastfeeding is a huge issue.  Either that, or I’m just more sensitive to it because I work in a law firm that is focused on representing women in family law cases—and because my boss, Kristen Hofheimer, is pretty well known for a pro-breastfeeding piece she wrote back in law school about...

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Spousal Support in Virginia Divorce

In many, many cases, married women curtail their careers in order to be able to give more of themselves to their husbands and families.  It’s a good decision, a solid decision, but it’s not one that comes without consequences.  In the event that things don’t work out the way you planned, spousal support is there...

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Adultery in Virginia from A-Z: Part Two

On Monday, we talked at length about how adultery works in Virginia divorce cases.  There’s still more you need to know, though, if you’re facing a divorce and have questions about how adultery might apply to your case. We’ve already talked about what adultery is, the differences between pre and post separation adultery, and how...

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Adultery in Virginia from A-Z

In a lot of ways, adultery really isn’t all that important anymore.  Since no fault divorce became a possibility and the pressure to prove a fault based ground has lessened, people have been more content with moving forward with their divorces without regard to fault (even if fault based grounds exist) for a lot of...

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Is it worth fighting for ___ in your divorce?

In divorce, some things are negotiable, and other things just aren’t.  It’s a good idea to speak with an attorney before you enter into negotiations with your husband, just so that you’re aware of where the negotiating points are.  In my experience, people who don’t tend to give away things that they should never give...

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Holiday Custody and Visitation

The holidays are around the corner, which means that our office will soon be buzzing as we work to figure out everyone’s holiday custody and visitation schedules. Most of the year, custody and visitation (at least, for most people) is handled relatively quickly and easily.  With the holidays in full view, however, all bets are...

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Help Making it Through your Virginia Divorce

It’s not easy to get divorced.  No one ever said it was easy, of course, but I think sometimes, when you’re looking down the road ahead and imagining what each stop along the way is going to feel like, it’s the most intimidating thing imaginable. Why is it so easy to let your mind wander...

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