
On Monday, we talked about whether you’re capable of representing yourself in your custody case and covered the first two (of seven) things you really do need to remember about Virginia custody cases.  Of course, there are lots of things you should know to prepare for a custody case but, let’s be honest—there’s a limit...

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In the time between now and your custody case, you’re probably not going to be able to learn absolutely everything there is to know about child custody law in Virginia.  There’s a lot of law out there, and it’s hard to read up on everything and know every single little nuance that might be an...

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Custody cases are interesting, because they can stand alone, or be part of a divorce.  Even after you’ve gotten everything all sorted out, you can get pulled back into court again and again (based on a material change in circumstances) until the day your youngest turns 18.  Because custody cases can happen in so many...

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If you’re thinking about divorce, you’re probably wondering what you should be doing to get started.  It’s pretty emotional, pretty confusing, and you have a lot of decisions you make at the very beginning. It always seems like you have to make the biggest decisions at the beginning of any new process, when you’re least...

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Part of the problem with hiring an attorney is that you don’t have to pick one when you’re going through a good phase in your life.  And that’s pretty much true of all attorneys.  You hire an attorney if you’ve been charged with a crime.  You hire an attorney if you need to file for...

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Protecting Yourself in a Relationship: Part Two

On Monday, we talked about how contracts can help in a bunch of different situations.  Whether you’re married (and want to stay together), married (and want to get the heck out as soon as possible), unmarried (and never plan to marry), engaged, or anything in between, you can negotiate a contract that helps protect you—no...

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Protecting Yourself in a Relationship

There is really no such thing as a cookie cutter divorce.  Though there are things that we see over and over again, and there are certainly some themes that emerge, at the end of the day I think that it’s safe to say that most divorce attorneys would say that every single divorce is different....

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Girl’s Night Out: What’s next?

On Tuesday night, our Girl’s Night Out Group met up at The Lucky Oyster in Virginia Beach.  The weather was great, and everyone came in proudly sporting their “I Voted” stickers.  Everyone was in high spirits, excited about the upcoming holiday season, and full of news about what they’ve been up to since we got...

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