
What is tax deductible in divorce?

On Wednesday, we talked a little bit about what to do during your divorce after you separate and your husband cuts you off from marital funds. The trouble is that money is almost always very tight during and after divorce, and it’s very rare that anyone walks away without worrying a little bit about what...

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Money is tight in a divorce. It’s a universal truth. It probably goes without saying that when people take a life that was formerly supported by two incomes, divide it in two, and then start funding two different lives separately, it can create some financial drama. Divorce isn’t like a personal injury case, where the...

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In order to really be able to divide everything in a divorce, it’s first necessary to figure out what “everything” includes. For most people, it includes basic things, like a house, some bank accounts, a retirement account or two, a few cars, and some kids. In other cases, things get a little more complicated. We...

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Social Security Benefits for Divorced Women

Concerns about divorce don’t just end after you’re divorced. After your final divorce decree is signed and filed away in the court’s records, that doesn’t mean your life just bounces right back to normal. Especially if yours is a longer term marriage, you’re going to feel the ripple effect from your divorce through all areas...

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If you’re going through a divorce, you’re probably wondering exactly what you don’t know you don’t know. After all, that’s always the question, isn’t it? You know a few things, and you’re hyperaware, but you know there are other things that, because of your inexperience, you’re probably missing. It’s not your fault; if you got...

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Divorce can be financially ruinous, especially for women who are unprepared. When you think about divorce, especially if it’s really new to you, you probably feel anxious and overwhelmed. It’s a big deal! There are a lot of different things involved, and it’s hard to think about retirement accounts and refinancing and credit card debt...

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If you’ve never been divorced before (and even if you have), you’re probably wondering what to expect. You’re probably a little terrified about what you might find out, and you’re probably also wondering whether there is anything at all that you could possibly do to prepare yourself for what the next year or more of...

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Whether you decide to hire an attorney or go at it on your own, you’re not really alone! The Hofheimer Family Law firm has gone to great lengths to provide Virginia women with divorce and custody cases all the information, support, and resources they could possibly need. Of course, we offer high quality legal representation...

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