
Everyone knows that divorces tend to be long, drawn out, complicated, and very, very expensive. Most people don’t really know exactly how expensive or how long (or why it’s expensive and takes a long time), they just know that it’s generally pretty bad and they’d like to avoid all that unpleasantness, if at all possible....

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5 Red Flags in Divorce

I spend a lot of time writing about how things typically progress in a “normal” divorce where husband and wife are two relatively reasonable, rational people. They usually want their divorce to proceed quickly and efficiently, with as few legal hiccups as possible. Their chief concerns are dividing the kids and the money, and, though...

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Substance Abuse in Divorce and Custody Cases

All sorts of reasons drive couples to divorce, and there’s really not a “one size fits all” answer. Virginia is both a fault and a no fault state, which means that you really don’t have to have a reason to qualify to get a divorce. (Though, of course, I’m not suggesting that you don’t have...

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Divorce is hard. And life is hard. Things are constantly changing, there are a number of different setbacks periodically, and we all sometimes suffer disappointment from a sudden change in plans, with or without a divorce on the horizon. Markets crash, unexpected emergencies arise, and accidents inevitably happen, particularly when we don’t feel exactly prepared...

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Girl’s Night Out at Norfolk Tap Room in August

On Wednesday, we met a group of women at Sonoma Wine Bar and Bistro in Virginia Beach’s chic Town Center area for a couple mid-week hours of fun. We’ve been trying to plan events like this every four to six weeks or so in an effort to help our current and former clients get back...

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On Monday, we talked about the choices you can make at the beginning of your divorce to help keep your costs as low as possible. If you haven’t had a chance to read that piece, you really should! Just click here, and we’ll take you right to it. Today, we’re going to talk about how...

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How to Save Money on Your Virginia Divorce

It’s hard to estimate the cost of a divorce ahead of time, because there are so many factors that affect it. In a lot of cases, the choices you make can have a direct impact on the cost of your divorce. Sometimes, the attorney you hire affects how much your divorce will cost. Still, there...

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How Spousal Support Works: Part Two

On Wednesday, we started to talk about how spousal support in Virginia works. We talked about what it is, what factors are involved in an award of spousal support, and how Virginia judges and attorneys determine how much spousal support to award. If you haven’t had a chance to check out Wednesday’s post, you can...

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