
How Spousal Support Works

For a lot of women, separating from their husbands means financial uncertainty. Whether the wife was the major breadwinner or not, splitting the money in two and maintaining two separate households is usually incredibly difficult. Not only that, but (excuse me if I’m propagating stereotypes) it usually is the wife who takes on the bulk...

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How Adultery Affects Divorce

In Virginia, adultery is grounds for an immediate divorce. The courts take adultery seriously, and have always taken adultery seriously. In fact, in the olden days, proving adultery was really the only way to qualify for divorce. Lucky for those of us who were born in this day and age, though, there are many other...

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Most married people share joint banking accounts, car insurance policies, credit cards, mortgages, investments, loans, lines of credit, and more. Paychecks are normally deposited into joint accounts, and then split to meet the family’s needs that particular month. Mortgages, rent, utilities, childcare costs, gas and groceries usually come out of the marital account, and no...

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On Monday, we started talking about child custody cases. We talked about planning at the beginning of your custody case, how custody is determined, what factors affect custody, and goal setting. In most cases, this is a great start, because we start identifying and addressing the potential issues and coming up with ways to try...

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The Beginning of Your Virginia Custody Case

When moms face custody cases, they tend to panic. The thought that they might lose custody of their kids keeps them lying awake at night, makes them burst into tears at random moments, and generally makes them nervous and paranoid. In this article, we’re going to talk about how to plan at the beginning of...

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7 Tips to Make Visitation Exchanges Easier

If you and your child’s father are committed to co-parenting your children even after your final divorce decree is entered, you’re going to have to make a commitment to each other to continually and consistently put the children’s needs ahead of your own. It may sound easy, but it’s not, especially if you’ve spent the...

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New Virginia Child Support Laws 2014

The Virginia General Assembly recently voted to make changes to the Virginia child support statute, which hasn’t been significantly altered since 1988. It’s a pretty big deal! As you can probably imagine, the costs of living have risen in the years since 1988, and the costs of raising a child have raised along with it....

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A lot of the decisions you make in the early stages of your divorce are really important because, strategically, they go a long way towards shaping the way your divorce will ultimately end up. That’s why we recommend, before you do anything hastily, that you do everything you can to gather as much information as...

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