
10 Things You Don’t Know About Divorce: Part 2

If you saw Wednesday’s post on the first five things you need to know about divorce cases (that you don’t already know), you’ll want to keep reading here for the last five points. Divorce cases are complex and can be confusing, especially if you don’t have a background in the law—and most people don’t. Still,...

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10 Things You Don’t Know About Divorce: Part 1

If you’re not an attorney, there are a lot of things about the divorce process (or, really, any legal matter) that you just don’t understand. The problem is, you don’t realize you don’t understand until something goes wrong, or something happened that you didn’t expect to understand. Before then, you didn’t know that you should...

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If you’re getting ready to hire an attorney in your divorce case, you’re probably feeling pretty overwhelmed. For one thing, you’re already intimidated about the whole divorce process and everything it entails. You’re also grieving the loss of your marriage, and wondering what will happen to you in the future. On top of all that,...

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If you and your ex husband have a child in common, cutting the ties that bind you together is a little more complicated than just getting a judge’s signature on a final divorce decree. The reality is that you and your child’s father will be bound together at least until your child reaches the age...

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Where to start with your Virginia divorce

In Virginia, you are separated when either you or your husband makes the decision to end the marriage. It happens in a moment, at the time when, in your mind, you know that the marriage is over and that it is beyond repair. You don’t have to tell the other spouse, and, in Virginia at...

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I get a lot of questions about spousal support. Mostly, women want to know whether they will receive it and, if so, for how long. The answer is kind of complicated, but I’m going to do my best to explain to you what factors are involved in making a determination of spousal support, and what...

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If you’re facing a divorce or custody trial, you’re probably terrified and wondering what you can expect to happen. Your case has probably dragged on for some time, so you’re already feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. Depending on your attorney, your judge, and your locality, you’ve probably already gone through a number of procedural steps. You...

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If you read my blog on Monday, you know that we started talking about the 9 tips you needed to know to face your upcoming custody case. On Monday, we talked about tips 1-4, so, if you missed them, you’ll want to double back and check out my article by clicking here. Going to court...

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