
Divorce in Virginia Beach: Breaking The News To Your Kids

If you’ve decided to get a divorce in Virginia, you’re probably thinking of the many ways it will affect your children. For some parents, speaking to children about divorce can be one of the most difficult aspects of ending the marriage. We all want our kids to grow up happy, stable, and healthy. It can...

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Virginia Beach Divorce Tips : What To Wear In Divorce Court

Fashion is probably the last thing on your mind during the stressful days of your Virginia Beach divorce. While it may seem like an insignificant thing, what you wear in divorce court can make a difference in the outcome of your case. In a divorce hearing, a judge doesn’t know you as a person; he...

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Tax Tips for Divorcing Couples in Virginia

A divorce in Virginiacan make filing your income taxes complicated. How do I file? What can I claim? Do I need a divorce lawyer? These tips will help you your tax preparation go smoother: File according to your marital status on December 31. If the divorce was finalized by then, file as single. If the...

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A divorce in Virginiacan be emotionally exhausting; however, sooner or later, most people are ready to date after divorce. It can be hard getting back into the dating scene after being married for years or even decades. Here are some things not to say on your first date after divorce: Don’t talk about your ex....

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Financial Advice After Divorce in Virginia

A divorce in Virginia can be financially and emotionally devastating. Paying lawyer fees, alimony or child support can leave your bank account hurting. Or maybe you are starting out on your own without a job. Either way, you need sound financial help from a divorce lawyer as you move with your life. After your divorce...

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Technology is supposed to help, but in a divorce case, it can hurt you. We often use our smartphones in everyday life – to email and text, surf the Internet, make calls and update social media. But because your phone can remember your activities, it can be a record of your actions. These records can...

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Splitting Joint Retirement Funds After Divorce

After a divorce in Virginia, one of the assets that will need to be divided are the retirement accounts that you or your ex-spouse may have. Discuss your finances with a divorce lawyer to make sure this is done correctly to prevent tax problems and major headaches in the future. The first thing you will...

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10-Minute Workouts that Work

Bikini season is right around the corner, and if you don’t have the time to work out you may be panicking – don’t! Here are two easy, 10-minute workouts you can squeeze in anytime to get yourself beach ready. Option 1: Walk up and down a flight of stairs at varying paces for 2 minutes....

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