
Divorce Case Special Circumstances: Divorcing an Inmate

The process of filing a Virginia divorce case when your husband is in jail can complicate matters, which is where a divorce attorney can help. Divorcing an inmate is not an easy process. While there typically is not any special paperwork necessary to divorce an inmate, getting a normal divorce case filed can take additional...

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Emotional and legal damages are 2 things to consider when dealing with sexual relations while your Virginia divorce case is in progress. Emotionally, having sex with your soon-to-be ex-husband can be either a good or a bad thing, depending on the situation. You may need that physical reminder of why you are choosing to end...

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Deciding When It is Time to Begin a Virginia Divorce Case

There are many reasons that a woman may make the decision to file for divorce. It could be the need to end an abusive relationship, finding your husband is committing adultery, or you simply just fell out of love. Whatever the reason, making the decision to start a divorce case is not one to be...

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Virginia divorce law recognizes 2 forms of divorce: divorce from bed and board and divorce from the bond of matrimony. Divorce from bed and board can be considered legal separation, while divorce from the bond of matrimony is a complete divorce from the marriage. When it is found that one spouse willfully deserts or abandons...

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Amicable Divorce in Virginia: Is it Possible?

Divorces are often complicated because there are many decisions to make, such as property allocation, living arrangements and child custody. On top of that, there are many negative emotions throughout the course of a divorce. However, there are some ways to have an amicable divorce for the sake of your children. First, you and your...

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The Effects of Bankruptcy on Spousal Support

The effects of bankruptcy can reverberate throughout your entire life, but they can be complicated even further when you owe child or spousal support. If you file bankruptcy, your former spouse is notified and will receive 2 notices – once when you file for bankruptcy and again when you receive your discharge. The Bankruptcy Abuse...

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Lessons that Children of Virginia Divorce Learn

It is natural to feel concerned about how your divorce will impact your child, and the honest truth is that while it will not be easy, there are some valuable lessons that children of divorce glean from the experience. You do not have to be unhappy. Although children often wish it was the case that...

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Divorce is an especially sad time for children. No child wants to see his or her home broken up. Sadly, divorce is a reality for many Virginia families. Because of this, parents need to be prepared to give their children the information they need to handle the divorce as smoothly as possible.First of all, both...

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