
The Power of the Virginia Post-Divorce Makeover

After your Virginia divorce, your appearance might be reflecting the stressful, difficult event you just went through. But you survived, and now is a great time for a post-divorce makeover! Even if you’re not ready to tackle the dating scene, your makeover can help give you a boost in self-confidence that will be useful when...

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3 Ideas to Set a Romantic Vibe in the Bedroom

During a busy week your bedroom can seem more like an office, a dining room table, or just a place to pass out, but with Valentine’s Day on the horizon there are few things you can do to make your abode a bit more inviting. Declutter – put away the stacks of paper, the dirty...

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4 Quick and Easy Ways to Trim Your Budget

Everyone is trying to cut costs these days and there are simple ways to trim your budget that you might not notice except for when making your wallet a little fuller. Use reward programs –take advantage of the coupons and points stores allot you, saving a little at each store you visit regularly can add...

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Activities for Valentine’s Day in Virginia Beach

Whether you have been kissed or cursed with Virginia love, there is no shortage of fun and creative ways to spend your Valentine’s Day. Virginia Beach is full of activities for singles, couples, and growing families. Singles – use this day to gather up the rest of your single friends and spend an evening putt-putting...

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It’s common for parents going through Virginia divorce to have concerns about how the experience will affect their child’s emotional health. Divorce is a stressful time for a child, but you can help lessen the strain by following some important tips for parenting after divorce. Communication is important. You need to stay in communication with...

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Misconceptions about Dating After Divorce in Virginia

When you’re ready, dating after divorce can be a fun, positive step to take. It’s not always easy getting back on the dating scene after years of marriage, but knowing what pitfalls to avoid can help you have a better experience after Virginia divorce. Some of the common misconceptions about post-divorce dating include: It will...

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Have you gone through a Virginia divorce and are ready to meet someone new? Dating after divorce has its rewards and challenges. You have a better chance of success if you begin by improving your own life and confidence. Sort through your “stuff”. If you have a large amount of items from your marriage, go...

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If you recently got divorced in Virginia, a lot has changed in your life. When building your new post-divorce life, you should be aware of the health effects of divorce as well as ways to enhance your happiness and well-being. Get adequate sleep. The stress of divorce can lead to changes in sleep habits. Take...

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