
Choosing the Best Time to Get a Divorce in Virginia

Life is full of surprises, and unfortunately they’re not always pleasant ones. If you’re getting a divorce in Virginia, you may not have that much say in scheduling your split, but if you do have the choice, choose wisely. Your timing can greatly affect your post-divorce finances.While there’s no perfect time for divorce, there are...

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Overview of Virginia Annulment Due to Marital Defect

There are several reasons why a couple may be granted an annulment in Virginia. Under Virginia family law, a marriage may be annulled due to marital defect as well as other grounds. What is marital defect? It’s a legal problem with the marriage that made it null and void at its inception. It means that...

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Due to some popular misconceptions surrounding annulment, it can be hard to know just what exactly qualifies as grounds for annulment in Virginia. Once you know the guidelines you can decide whether your marriage can be annulled or whether you should seek a Virginia divorce instead. The grounds for annulment in Virginia are: Marital defect....

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If you’re a parent getting a divorce in Virginia, child custody issues are among the most pressing and emotionally charged matters you may encounter. You should decide wisely when choosing the Virginia child custody attorney who can handle your case: You can seek out an attorney by doing research online and checking with your local...

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If you’re facing a Virginia divorce, you may be wondering if living together while separated is an option for you. The answer varies from couple to couple. In general, the courts don’t look kindly on in-home separation, but in some cases it may be allowed.Virginia requires that a couple be separated for 6 months to...

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Surviving Virginia Separation under the Same Roof

Can you be separated and live in the same house? This question is sometimes asked by couples who are divorcing. Normally, you and your spouse should be living apart when separated, but in some cases there may be exceptions that allow you to pursue Virginia separation under the same roof. Couples may choose to live...

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4 Tips to Fix Your Credit Score

You know your personal value can’t be measured with a number, but to banks, lenders, landlords, car dealerships and the like, your worth is tied to that all-important figure in the personal finances world; the credit score.Whether your score has taken a beating with the economic downturn or you’re looking to pump up your number...

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6 Steps to Reduce Your Breast Cancer Risk

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. With that in mind, below are 6 steps-based on findings from the Mayo Clinic and Susan G. Komen for the Cure-you can take to protect your health and possibly reduce your chances of having breast cancer: Get moving! – We know – you hear it again and again,...

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