
Virginia Mother’s Beware–Guardian Ad Litem (part B)

As a Mother, when dealing with a Guardian Ad Litem in your child custody case: Don’t Exaggerate, Understate.–when explaining the difficulties you are encountering with the father of your child, narrow the focus and the conversation to the top 1 or 2 issues. Focus on the most critical issue and be organized about your concerns....

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When custody of your children is in dispute, or sometimes, when visitation cannot be agreed to by the parents, courts will often appoint a Guardian Ad Litem to represent the “best interest” of your Children.. Don’t Assume The Guardian Ad Litem will Share Your View A Guardian ad Litem, often referred to as a GAL,...

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When is an annulment in Virginia possible?

There are sometimes misconceptions concerning annulment, so if you’re seeking an annulment in Virginia, it’s best to learn the laws surrounding it in order to know whether your marriage meets the criteria. Annulment is different from divorce. An annulment makes a marriage null and void, so essentially it’s as though the marriage never happened. In...

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When you’re getting a Virginia divorce, you have a lot to consider. There are so many issues to work through as you and your spouse separate your lives and property that it helps to have something solid in writing as your guide.A separation agreement is a document that allows you and your spouse to outline...

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Proving Adultery in the Course of Your Virginia Divorce

Adultery is one of the leading causes of Virginia divorce. If you believe your husband has cheated on you and you want to file for divorce on the grounds of adultery, you will need to show proof the infidelity occurred. Many times, a woman will have a strong intuition that her husband is cheating. You...

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Virtual “Visitation” After a Virginia Divorce

Families dealing with divorce often have struggles when it comes to Virginia child custody and parenting plans. Sometimes, after a divorce, the ex-partners move to new locations or change jobs and find it difficult to see their children as often as they’d like.The times between visits can be difficult for both the parents and the...

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Marital counseling addresses many of the issues that might lead a couple to seek a Virginia divorce, whether it’s financial disagreements, infidelity, arguments about the children or most any other conflict.The following are just a few scenarios in which a couple might benefit from seeking marital counseling before a Virginia divorce: You keep facing the...

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When your husband has an affair, it affects not only your marriage but also your relationships with other people. For instance, you may be wondering whether you should tell your family and friends about your husband’s adultery. On one hand, you may think that people close to you already notice that something isn’t right between...

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