
During a Virginia divorce, the law is designed to be as fair as possibly when dividing assets equitably between the divorcing parties. While this may seem like it would be a rather simple practice, in reality it can be complicated. First, determining which assets should be divided isn’t always a clear-cut decision.In a Virginia divorce,...

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Stepparent Rights in Virginia: What You Need to Know!

If you’re thinking of building a family through stepparent adoption in Virginia, you should know as much as you can about the process.Stepparent adoption helps give children a sense of stability and security by creating a family bond that is legally and socially recognized. Virginia family law tries to make stepparent adoption as quick and...

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If you’re a woman facing a later-life divorce in Virginia, you might want to consider a collaborative divorce. In a collaborative divorce, your divorce is a team effort, rather than an adversarial process.A collaborative divorce gives you access to professional guidance that can help you make better decisions and find more creative solutions during your...

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Later life divorce is becoming more common as people take a less traditional approach to aging. While parting ways with a spouse and starting a new, single life can be difficult at any age, it can be especially hard for mature individuals who are also facing the challenges of their senior years.Managing your money is...

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If you're a woman in the military, your Virginia divorce may be just one of the harrowing experiences you've had to face in recent years. One reason why Virginia divorce happens more frequently in military marriages is because of the stressors that come with the job. Sometimes these stresses are fairly mild, while other times...

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When you’re co-parenting after a divorce, you may run into some disagreements with your ex over childrearing issues. This is somewhat expected when you’re adjusting to a new custody arrangement, or even after you’ve been co-parenting for years.It’s often hard to know the best strategy for handling contrasting views when you’re co-parenting after divorce. There...

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5 Ways To Save Money During a Virginia Divorce

To save money during your Virginia divorce, you should start making good decisions before you even begin the divorce process. Here are 5 ways to approach your divorce in order to save yourself as much money as possible: Connect with a trustworthy Virginia divorce attorney – your attorney will advocate for you to help make...

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Am I A Virginia Resident For My Military Divorce

RESIDENCY AND DOMICILE It's important to be aware of the residency and domicile requirements of initiating a divorce action in Virginia. At the time the divorce suit is filed, either you or your husband must be and must have been an actual bona fide resident and domiciliary of Virginia for at least the preceding six...

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