
Post-Divorce Tax Issues: Virginia Spousal Support

Virginia spousal support (alimony) is one of the biggest negotiating points during a Virginia divorce. Taxes are one more thing to keep in mind when negotiating Virginia spousal support.Virginia spousal support is considered income to the recipient, and is a deductible for the payer. Interestingly, Virginia child support is not treated the same. It is...

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Tax Exemptions for Children After a Virginia Divorce

Divorce can make the already complicated process of filing tax returns even more so, especially if there are children involved. Which parent is allowed to claim the child, or children, on their taxes? Ideally, divorced parents can work together, with a trusted Virginia divorce attorney or tax advisor, to determine the most advantageous solution for...

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After a Virginia divorce is finalized, many women look for a fresh start in their lives and opt to legally change back to their maiden names. It is a relatively straightforward process in Virginia. If you remember changing your name after you got married, changing your name after a Virginia divorce is not very different....

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Changing Your Children’s Names After a Virginia Divorce

Many women choose to change their names after a Virginia divorce. Perhaps it is the opportunity for a fresh start, or it could be as a way to get distance from their ex-husbands. Whatever the reason, it is very common for women to choose to return to their maiden name after a Virginia divorce. This...

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Keeping Siblings Together in Virginia Child Custody Cases

If you are considering divorce and you have children, you are probably also concerned about what will happen to them in a Virginia child custody arrangement. In Virginia, as in most states, the court’s mission is to act in the best interests of the children. The court takes several factors into consideration when determining the...

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Virginia Child Custody Determiners: Parent vs. “Friend”

Relationships between parents and their children can be defined in many ways, and often change over time. If you are experiencing a Virginia divorce, custody of your children is probably one of your most important issues. Ideally, parents will be able to come to an agreement regarding the custody of their children, but when that...

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5 Rules of Creating a Virginia Separation Agreement

When you are considering a separation in Virginia, it is wise to begin the process by consulting with a Virginia divorce attorney that specializes in divorce for women. An attorney can help you to draft a Virginia separation agreement, which may help to save time, money and the heartache of a drawn-out divorce trial. When...

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Husband Collecting Spousal Support

In this age of equality, many women earn as much as, if not more than, their husbands. So while it is still fairly uncommon for men to ask for spousal support in Virginia from their ex-wives, it is possible that you would be ordered to pay spousal support to your ex-husband if you were married...

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