
When Is a Virginia Separation Agreement Necessary?

If you are considering seeking a Virginia legal separation, you should be aware that there is technically no legal separation in Virginia. While you and your estranged husband can separate, and it is legal, that separation is not considered a legal action that requires a formal court document. It is important to note however, that...

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Can I Get The Other Party To Pay For The Divorce?

can I get him to pay for it? The law in Virginia certainly allows the court to make an award of attorney’s fees in favor of either party. It is an issue for the court, it may be done in a preliminary stage of the proceeding or it may have to go forward at a...

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Virginia Collaborative Divorce Guidelines

Have you and your spouse decided to pursue a Virginia collaborative divorce? While a collaborative divorce is generally less stressful than a traditional divorce, it is important to follow a few guidelines while going through the process.First, remember, the goal is not to “win.” Difficult as it can be, keep in mind that working together...

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What Is a Collaborative Divorce Coach?

A divorce is an extremely emotional process, but you may find that a collaborative divorce can be less emotionally draining than traditional divorce litigation. A Virginia collaborative divorce takes a non-adversarial approach to dispute resolution and teaches you to cooperate with your soon-to-be-former spouse. During your Virginia collaborative divorce, you will work with a team...

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If you have been looking for alternatives to divorce litigation, you may have heard about divorce mediation and collaborative divorce. While both allow you to work with your spouse to settle the terms of your divorce, there are major differences between the two.In divorce mediation, a couple works with a neutral, third-party mediator to make...

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Tips for Handling Divorce-Related Stress

Although Virginia women have a wide range of legal options when it comes to a divorce, the process of dissolving your marriage can still be a stress-inducing experience.A divorce is one of the top causes of stress among women because it threatens the thing we cherish most: the stability of our home and family. However,...

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What is a Virginia Collaborative Divorce?

Collaborative divorce has become increasingly popular in the United States. Sometimes referred to as “divorce mediation,” collaborative divorce allows divorcing couples to settle matters without engaging in a lengthy divorce trial. A collaborative divorce includes mediation, where both parties can work together to find a solution to child custody, child support, and spousal support issues....

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How to Gather Evidence in a Virginia Custody Case

If you are currently going through a Virginia divorce, you may be dealing with child custody issues. It is important to gather evidence for your Virginia custody case in order to show the court that it is in your child’s best interest for you to maintain legal custody of him or her. Evidence may include...

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