
If you have been looking for alternatives to divorce litigation, you may have heard about divorce mediation and collaborative divorce. While both allow you to work with your spouse to settle the terms of your divorce, there are major differences between the two.In divorce mediation, a couple works with a neutral, third-party mediator to make...

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Tips for Handling Divorce-Related Stress

Although Virginia women have a wide range of legal options when it comes to a divorce, the process of dissolving your marriage can still be a stress-inducing experience.A divorce is one of the top causes of stress among women because it threatens the thing we cherish most: the stability of our home and family. However,...

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What is a Virginia Collaborative Divorce?

Collaborative divorce has become increasingly popular in the United States. Sometimes referred to as “divorce mediation,” collaborative divorce allows divorcing couples to settle matters without engaging in a lengthy divorce trial. A collaborative divorce includes mediation, where both parties can work together to find a solution to child custody, child support, and spousal support issues....

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How to Gather Evidence in a Virginia Custody Case

If you are currently going through a Virginia divorce, you may be dealing with child custody issues. It is important to gather evidence for your Virginia custody case in order to show the court that it is in your child’s best interest for you to maintain legal custody of him or her. Evidence may include...

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How to Win Virginia Child Custody

In a divorce case, no one really wins – especially not the children. The courts award custody based on the best interest of the children. With that in mind, there are a few things that you can do to show the judge that you should be awarded custody of your children.The first thing to remember...

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Can I Get A Divorce If My Spouse Does Not Want One?

The short answer to that is yes. It only takes one person to want a divorce and to complete a divorce in Virginia, and although it may take a little bit longer or may be a little bit more expensive because the other person isn't cooperating or not responding, if one person wants to get...

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Child Support Payments Affected by the Economy

Because of the recession, there has been an increase in the number of parents who are unable to make their child support payments because they have lost their jobs. In fact, the State of Tennessee reports that it has collected less in child support payments than last year; the first decline in child support payments...

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How to Use Virginia Child Support Tables

In calculating the amount of Virginia child support owed to the custodial parent, gross income plays a major role. Child support tables may be used by the Virginia divorce court to figure out how much the noncustodial parent will be ordered to pay.On the Virginia child support table, there is a combined monthly gross income...

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