
Many parents are faced with the challenge of sending their children to college while in the middle of a divorce. In Virginia, neither parent can be financially required by the courts to pay for college unless college costs were agreed upon in a separation agreement or other document. This frustrates many parents, who feel that...

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Suze Orman's October advice column in Oprah magazine touches on the costs of divorce for couples. Orman recommended collaboration (or collaborative divorce) as a way for couples to "divorce with dignity." Collaborative divorce allows for parties to create their own solutions regarding spousal support, division of property, child custody and other issues facing couples as...

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Therapy notes no longer protected in Virginia

Effective July 1, 2008 Virginia Code Section 20-124.3:1 has been repealed. What this means is that your therapy records are no longer protected from coming into evidence in a custody case and that your therapist can be required to testify. Likewise, your husbands therapy records are not protected and his therapist can also be required...

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