
There’s a lot of nuance when it comes to the practice of family law, and understanding when and how to use various fault based grounds for divorce can be pretty complicated. To put it simply, you must have grounds for divorce in Virginia (and pretty much everywhere), but those grounds can be either fault based...

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  When it comes to divorce, there are – sadly – a lot of cases that involve some form of domestic violence. When I was a newbie, that was so surprising to me. Now, not so much, but still – I end up fielding a lot of questions about what to do, what options are...

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  Last week, I wrote a two part article series about how going back to work for a stay at home mom affects child support in both a primary physical custodial arrangement and a shared physical custodial arrangement. It was, in large part, a response to a comment that someone I saw posted on Facebook...

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It happens a lot; a parent, for whatever reason, lets an aunt or a grandmother take over parenting their child for a period of time. Sometimes, it’s a result of substance abuse or addiction, mental illness, or life circumstances that mean that, for whatever reason, the parent herself isn’t stable enough to care for the...

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What is a QDRO?

Divorce attorneys take care of a lot of the headaches related to divorces, including, but not limited to, dividing retirement accounts. Retirement is, in some ways, a complicated issue. In some ways, it isn’t – because, in general, you get half the marital share of what was earned, and that’s not all that negotiable –...

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You don’t exactly go out and hire an attorney every day. In fact, for many people, it may be a once in a lifetime experience. Sure, it’s not a trip to Bora Bora or a chance to snorkel the Great Barrier Reef, but it’s a first – and a one time deal – for a...

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What is an answer and counterclaim?

  It can be confusing to know and understand all the steps in the Virginia divorce process, much less what timelines are associated or how the court requires you to respond. I’m tempted to say, “Hey, that’s what I went to law school for,” but that’s not actually true. That kind of thing isn’t taught...

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What does a notary do? Do I need a notary?

  I often find that there is a lot of confusion about the role of a notary in a divorce and/or custody case. We use notaries ALL the time; in fact, notaries often are involved in our agreements, affidavits, and other important documents that go to the court. For that reason, many of our staff...

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