
What does a corroborating witness need to say?

  In an action for divorce in the Commonwealth of Virginia, a corroborating witness is needed. It’s not enough to just grant a divorce based upon the testimony of the husband and wife; the statute requires that a third party be able to affirm the allegations of the moving party. It would be nice if...

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What NOT to Wear To Divorce and Custody Court

  Going to court is intimidating. Especially in this day in age, when it’s not only a question of facing your husband and/or child’s father, but a pretty significant COVID-19 risk. There are a lot of things about court – and contested cases – that we can’t control. But there are some things we can...

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  As you can probably imagine, in a coparenting relationship, all sorts of issues come up. Some of them are just related to the myriad challenges parents face in raising children, and the inherent differences between partners (even loving, respectful, happy partners!). When the coparenting relationship isn’t very good to begin with, all sorts of...

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Saving Money in Your Virginia Custody Case

  Divorce and custody cases can be expensive. In fact, they usually are. Though we have cases every so often where we propose and sign an agreement within a couple of weeks, with minimal expense to the client, there are also cases where we negotiate and litigate for months – and sometimes longer – on...

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  Everyone is concerned about money, especially now. But, really, in my line of business, I feel the same sense of urgency where finances are concerned regardless of whether there’s a global pandemic. Attorneys are expensive. And family law attorneys are different from other kinds of attorneys – specifically, personal injury attorneys – so some...

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I often get questions about the division of work between an attorney and a paralegal. Though I may be reading more into these questions than is necessary (and though, I admit, am broadly generalizing here), the sense that I get is that most people want the work in their case to be done by their...

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Does your firm accept payment plans?

One of the biggest questions in any divorce and custody case is “How will I pay for it?” For almost anyone, no matter how high or low of an earner they are, it’s a bit of a stretch financially. I look at a lot of people’s various account information, so, I can tell you, almost...

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  Domestic violence is a very real issue in family law cases; it’s one we brush up against all the time. It was something that surprised me when I first started, because even in the most otherwise normal cases, there were undercurrents of domestic violence. A friend of mine from law school is a prosecutor,...

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