
It’s a common refrain: my child’s father just doesn’t do things that I believe are critical to protect my children’s safety when they’re in his care. With coronavirus, it’s even worse. We’re all feeling a little extra anxious; the world feels like such an uncertain place. It’s crazy to think that just, like, two months...

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Juvenile and Circuit Court Procedure in Virginia Custody Cases You think you might have to file for custody. Maybe something has been brewing for awhile. Maybe recent coronavirus concerns have forced some difficult issues to light. Maybe there’s a looming change in circumstances, like a move, a new job, a school change, or a wedding....

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Even though Governor Northam’s order specifically allows you to leave your home in order to exchange a child pursuant to a custody and visitation order, there are a lot of parents who are using fears surrounding coronavirus as an excuse to deliberately withhold a child. I guess that’s always the case. These thing are inherently...

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Tax Consequences in Virginia Divorce in 2020

I’ve written about tax consequences in divorce before, but alas – the law has changed again! It happens, from time to time, which is part of why it’s so important to be sure of where you’re getting information when you search for it online. You need to make sure that you’re not blindly trusting nameless,...

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As a mom myself, I’m a member of a lot of online communities for moms. They’re not all divorce and custody related but, as you’re probably aware, we slip into that territory fairly often. I hear all sorts of questions related to it, and, mostly, in an online capacity, I don’t answer. These people don’t...

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I’ve talked a lot recently about custody issues amid the coronavirus pandemic, but there are things about all this COVID-19 stuff that affects divorce, too. And that’s important, too! It’s complicated, it’s challenging, and it’s unprecedented, which means that a lot of the issues we’re facing no one has faced before. Not divorcing people, not...

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There aren’t great answers right now. Unemployment is at its highest rate, like, ever, which is really scary. I keep reading about mortgage companies offering some forgiveness, federal student loans are at 0% interest and on a 6 month forbearance, and the possibility of even help from utility companies and others. At the heart of...

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An ER doctor in Florida recently lost custody of her 4 year old daughter on a temporary basis as fears of the coronavirus pandemic escalate around the country. We keep reading about the stories of heroes who keep working despite the dangers of COVID-19, and we’ve realized recently how dependent we are on some of...

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