
When will the courts reopen?

If we’re hearing one question over and over again amidst all of this COVID-19 drama, its, “When will the courts reopen?” Quickly on its heels is another, related question: “Why don’t you know?!” I get it, it’s frustrating. But the courts work differently – and separately – from the stay at home order issued by...

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Can I refuse overnight visitation because of coronavirus? The pandemic is changing the world. It’s changing everything, and there’s a lot of underlying fear causing people to make decisions that are more or less conducive to supporting a parenting arrangement. I’ve heard of all sorts of things recently. Parents not wanting to send their children...

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I’m taking a little break from all of the COVID-19-themed posts to answer a question that I saw recently in a live chat. It’s a fairly long story, so I won’t bore you with too many details, except to say that the woman was asking about filing for her own divorce. (Never mind that right...

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Refinance and Divorce

In case you haven’t heard, mortgage rates are really low right now, which may or may not have you thinking about a refinance. I get it; in fact, my husband and I just refinanced ourselves, which is what leads me to our discussion today. Well, that, and a recent consultation I had. In my consultation,...

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Though financial experts were warning of a recession for awhile before COVID-19 started topping headlines worldwide, I think the strength and severity of the pandemic – and its resulting impact on our obviously alarmingly fragile economy – has taken everyone by surprise. It’s definitely alarming – and more than a little upsetting – to see...

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Spouse Safe Protections Amid COVID-19

Some things change, some things stay the same. Even though the coronavirus pandemic has totally upended the world as we knew it, there are some things that were challenges before that continue to remain so. For us, in divorce practice, one of the biggies is making sure that we’re able to get information to our...

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I’ve said it a couple of times lately: In recent weeks, I’ve understood how some bigger events – like the Great Depression and the World Wars – could really shape a person. We certainly had an experience like that after 9/11; everybody remembers where they were then, and probably also remembers the time immediately after....

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There’s no shortage of domestic violence cases. Maybe I was being naïve, but, when I first started to practice family law, I was really amazed at exactly how many there were. I’ve been around for awhile now, and I’m not so easily surprised. There is a lot of domestic violence out there and, if you’re...

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