
Pinterest Issues and Virginia Divorce

It seems like, at some point or another, I’ve run across an issue related to almost every social media platform. It’s a little frustrating, sometimes, because, at some point, a person made the decision to post, share, pin, or tweet something that they didn’t HAVE to post, share, pin, or tweet, and now it’s an...

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How long does a Virginia divorce take?

If you’re searching for an answer to the question “How long does a divorce take?” or “How long does it take to get a divorce in Virginia?”, chances are pretty good that you want it to be over with as soon as possible. Am I right? I get this question all the time. It’s certainly...

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Can I move in with my boyfriend? Whenever I’m asked a “Can I?” question, I get a little bit nervous. There’s always a couple of different answers. First and foremost, the answer is yes – you’re a big girl, you can make your own decisions. But it’s almost always a little more complicated than that....

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What is a Guardian ad litem?

Nothing strikes fear in the mind and soul of a mom more than the threat of a custody case – especially when dad is unreasonable, unwilling to compromise, or somehow an inappropriate caregiver. It happens a lot. Even dads who were never formerly involved – or who did some terrible things – can petition the...

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My kids aren’t dealing well with the divorce

I’m no child psychologist, but I can tell you that I’ve dealt with my fair share of moms who worry themselves to death about the impact of their divorce on their children. To some extent, of course, they will notice and probably be affected by it – but that doesn’t mean that a divorce has...

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What are your retainer fees?

If that’s not a generic question, I don’t know what is! I know there’s a lot of confusion out there about how attorneys bill and what we charge for. I also know that there’s often a general feeling that we’re not all that willing to give straight answers. In law school, the joke was always...

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In a case where custody is litigated in court, there are at least two attorneys. Your attorney, who represents you – and has a duty to represent your cause zealously; and his attorney, who, of course, has the same obligations to your husband that your attorney does to you. It doesn’t matter whether your dad...

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What goes into the child support calculation?

There are a LOT of pieces of information that go into a child support calculation, and it’s probably easiest to understand if we delve into each of those pieces of information. As you probably already know, child support is based on a formula, and that formula is binding on our courts. We plug the information...

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